What if God had a secret language that he used just with you? Not a universal message that he gave to the whole world, but a direct communication intended only for you?
Maybe you believe that God so loves the world. But have you grasped the audacious idea that he specifically loves you?
They say that babies learn to recognize voices and even melodies in utero. Daniel and I didn’t exactly play our baby Mozart before he was born, but we did start communicating with our little guy almost right away. I talked to him, hand on my belly, all the way to and from work—singing songs, praying over him, telling him things he should know about the big world he was about to enter. Daniel had a special wordless language that he used to talk to our baby—whistling, making clicking sounds with his tongue, playing the guitar for him.
This was mostly for us—I don’t think of either of us was really convinced our communication was getting through the amniotic fluid. But to our surprise, from his first day out of the womb, Graham responded to our voices. Whenever Daniel started talking, Graham would turn his head toward him—even when he was eating (which was, hands down, his favorite pastime). Now when he hears his dad whistling or making any number of silly sounds, he invariably grins and squeals and flails his arms around. They have a special bond that only the two of them share.
If God describes himself as our Father, then surely he must feel the same way about his children. And I have to wonder . . . what if our Father God has a special language for each of his children that he uses to communicate his love?
Maybe you haven’t always felt the love of an earthly father, and frankly you’re not quite sure about the love of God. Maybe it’s easier to picture God with a scowl on his face or disappointment creased into his forehead.
If that’s where you find yourself this Father’s Day, I’d like to offer another image: that of a heavenly Father who has designed a specific language just for you.
- Maybe he painted that sunset right as you stepped outside so he could capture your heart with its beauty.
- Maybe he prompted a friend to call you exactly when you needed someone to talk to.
- Maybe he orchestrated that song specifically for you, because he knew it would speak to the depths of your soul.
- Maybe he brought words from Scripture in front of your eyes at precisely the moment you needed them.
- Maybe he created a perfectly ripe strawberry with you in mind.
Can you hear him? Your Father is whispering “I love you” at every turn.
The Lord your God is living among you.
He is a mighty savior.
He will take delight in you with gladness.
With his love, he will calm all your fears.
He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.
Zephaniah 3:17