Chances are, at any given moment, I have my nose in at least one book. This has been the case for as long as I can remember (aside from the brief hiatus in second grade, after I missed my bus stop because I was so engrossed with Little House on the Prairie).
I’m an editor by profession, so I read pretty much all day, and when I get home, I delight in making a dent in the ever-increasing stack of books on my nightstand. Once people find out about my bookish tendencies, they often ask me to recommend books to them or to discuss books we’ve both read.
So as this year begins, I thought it would be fun to share my love for books by hosting an online book club. Here’s how it works: through the month of January, we’ll read the same book, and then at the end of the month, we’ll share what we thought of it.
January’s selection: The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield
Here is the preview for January’s selection, The Thirteenth Tale:
Reclusive author Vida Winter, famous for her collection of twelve enchanting stories, has spent the past six decades penning a series of alternate lives for herself. Now old and ailing, she is ready to reveal the truth about her extraordinary existence and the violent and tragic past she has kept secret for so long. Calling on Margaret Lea, a young biographer troubled by her own painful history, Vida disinters the life she meant to bury for good. Margaret is mesmerized by the author’s tale of gothic strangeness—featuring the beautiful and willful Isabelle, the feral twins Adeline and Emmeline, a ghost, a governess, a topiary garden, and a devastating fire. Together, Margaret and Vida confront the ghosts that have haunted them while becoming, finally, transformed by the truth themselves.
A friend recommended this book to me, saying it’s “a book lover’s book.” I was instantly sold. That’s kind of like offering a Godiva box to a chocoholic.
I hope you’ll join me!
As an added incentive, I’ll send a free book to one randomly selected person who comments on our book discussion at the end of the moth.
Sounds fantastic! What a great idea!
Thanks, Marie! I’d love to [finally] be in a book club with you!
I’m in!
Yay! Bookies reunited!
Stephanie, I think this is a great idea. I hope you do it again next year, as I’d like to hop on board once I finish my MA and have time for recreational reading again. Just a heads up on this particular title…based on a sis-in-law’s recommendation, I read The Thirteenth Tale a couple years ago. It is compelling in many ways, but I also recall becoming very uncomfortable with one of the story threads (I might be wrong, but I thought it hinted at incest.) I hope I am remembering incorrectly.Will be interested to see it through your editorial eyes.
Thanks, Maggie! This might make for some discussion all right! 🙂
I am going to try! Ready set go.
Yay! It will be fun to be in TWO book clubs with you, MomNancy!
Ordered! I’ll bump it up in my que!
All right! I think you’ll like this one, Nate!
Okay let me see/try. If I’m ever going to do a book club here’s the way. I can’t think of a better facilitator.
Passing this book club on to mom!
I’m in, too. 🙂
I’d like to make a suggestion for a future month’s selection: Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
Stephanie and all, I finished The Thirteenth Tale and TOTALLY enjoyed it. Great pick. When and where are readers thoughts and comments being posted.
So glad you liked it, Diane! I’ll post a new post on Friday with topics to discuss, and you can write in your comments.